He turned her world upside down.
Courted by Understanding
In Hyacinth, Book Four
Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TUGEFCY/
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Dora Lexington is cute, round, and utterly
practical. She has watched her best friends find their husbands, knowing
full-well it will never happen to her. Or so she thinks until meeting Xander’s
cousin Gaelic Covington. At first she doesn’t see how such a handsome,
successful man can be attracted to her. But attracted he is. In fact, he has
been head over heels in love with her for years.
As they come to know one another, they
discover each other’s secrets and she finds out that in the heart of the strong
man is a boy who is just as worried at being rejected as she is. Falling in
love with him is simple; even simpler to submit to his lead. However, when Dora
discovers something about herself that she finds shocking, she tries to run.
Now it’s up to Gaelic to convince her that nothing will make him leave, not
even that.
About the series "In Hyacinth" by
Bree Cariad:
Hyacinth, Washington is all about
old-fashioned values. In Hyacinth words like trust, honor, and kindness aren't
just buzzwords. Hyacinth is a community built on tradition and trust, where men
are the head of the home and women are encouraged to follow their lead.
Each story in the series is of a young
woman (18-20) and her struggle to figure out who she is in this little town
while at the same time going through Hyacinth's old-fashioned courting system.
On their way to meet, get to know, and finally marry their princes, these
heroines grow in ways they and their town never expected.
“How do you feel about being spanked?”
That wasn’t a question she had expected.
“I’ve been disciplined my whole life,” she admitted. “Even though it hurts, I
find peace in it, I guess.”
His eyes searched hers, though she had no
idea what he was looking for. Finally, he relaxed a little and leaned back in
his seat. “My father and uncle are two very unique people. Both dominant men
who believe in being head of the household. But it wasn’t until I began
spending summers in Hyacinth that I found out people actually spanked. Dad
doesn’t. Uncle Alex does.” He paused as if looking for what words he wanted to
use. “I’ll admit, I was shocked the first time he took a paddle to me. Shocked,
horrified, angry…and completely confused. When I talked to Xan about it and
found out that for him this was the norm, it kind of threw me.
“I understand the peace part as Cami has
mentioned she feels the same thing. Xan and I both had the same kind of
reaction: that it settled us and made us think twice about our actions. My
parents never understood my requesting to return to Hyacinth every summer after
that. I wasn’t sure I understood it. I knew if I did something disrespectful
that I would be punished, but it took several years before I actually
understood why I loved coming here.
“I knew where I stood with Uncle Alex.
There was no gray area. You were either right or wrong. That’s it.” He paused,
his thumb still rubbing the back of her hand. “I love my own father. But I
think it’s through Uncle Alex that I learned to be a man and how to care of and
take responsibility for the people I love. And not just in discipline. If he
was wrong, he admitted it freely. When he apologized for something he did, I
remember being stunned the first time and respecting him even more the second.
I’m not strict like he is, Dora. I love you and the main thing is I want you to
be happy. If spanking makes you feel better, I’m very willing to go that route.
I understand the kind of relief it brings. But I’ve never been a hard-and-fast
rule kind of guy.
“So,” he said after taking a deep breath,
“what I’m saying is I may not know when you need a spanking, at least not at
first. And I’m going to make mistakes and miss clues all over the place. Xan
said I needed to set up some ground rules with you and that if you broke them
it was your way of asking for a spanking, but I wasn’t sure how you’d feel
about that.”
Dora was sure right in that moment that she
had found the world’s most perfect man. Honest, caring, loving, and wanting to
work on things together. There was something to be said for the alpha-male
types like Xan and Alex, but while Gaelic could react strongly when she was
threatened, he was overall a teddy bear. And she loved that about him.
“I love that idea,” she said quietly. “I do
need discipline from time to time. A few months ago I got myself into a real
emotional mess, built it into a huge thing. A spanking would have knocked it
right out. For the most part, I’m calm and quiet. But…There’s a peace to
knowing you will discipline me when I need it. Because I do need it sometimes.”
In a way it was strange talking like this. She and her friends had talked about
it often, but discussing this particular subject with a man seemed peculiar and
yet as it was Gaelic, it also felt natural.
“There are a few things that I think are
essential to a good, loving relationship,” he continued in a quiet voice. “I’m
not even sure they need mentioned as you do them so effortlessly. But how could
I discipline you if you did break them if I didn’t set them up as a rule in the
first place? That would make me a coward and a cheat. Two things I’m not.” She
squeezed his hand and he smiled at her. “Respect and complete honesty are two
rules I hold dear, Dora. Both to you and myself. Break either of those and I
believe a spanking is warranted. I also feel that if you feel you need one, you
should also feel free to ask for it. I would never laugh at you. Ever. I
understand that discipline is mental just as much as physical. I also believe
it brings the couple closer together. So, please ask. Does that make sense?”
Beaming, she nodded. “Yes, very much. And I
“I love you,” he said, cupping her cheek
with the hand that wasn’t holding hers.
“I love you, too.” Gazing into his eyes,
she found herself opening her mouth and blurting out the question that had been
in her mind for the last week. “What do you use?”
Confusion washed over his face. “Use?”
Blushing as she realized he had no idea
what she meant, she explained. “To spank? I thought all guys spanked like my
dad and then after talking to Cami and Kathy, I found out every guy seems to
have their own unique way of doing it.”
“Oh,” he said grinning at her. “I enjoy

Courting Romance - where contemporary romance meets
traditional values.
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